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Serving Puget Sound Since 1977

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Serving Puget Sound Since 1977


How Well Drilling Really Works

Have you ever wondered to yourself how someone might drill a well? Or perhaps you’ve seen a few movies with well drillers and thought “that doesn’t look too hard, I could probably do this work on my own if I had a drill.”

Well, things aren’t as simple as they seem. There are a lot of crucial steps that go into well drilling in Rochester. The truth is that unless you’re a trained professional, you’re very likely to miss one of the following steps and have to restart the drilling process. Depending on the soil material, the depth of your well, and even the local water table data, things can go very wrong, very fast.

So, we hope that after this explanatory blog post, you have a few reasons why you can trust a pro for your next well drilling job.

Hydrologist Support

When surveying an area for well drilling, there should be one major thought in mind: “Where is the water?” This is why a crash course in hydrology is required for any well drilling professional.

It’s important to know where the water table is when deciding how deep to drill. The water table is basically the height of all the water in your area, and it can usually be connected to local lakes and rivers, giving a hydrologist a clear idea of where groundwater might be located.

This kind of information is vital because it’s easy to find and requires a little bit of math, but are ultimately required for proper well drilling.

The Soil Materials

The material of your property’s soil is going to play a significant role in well drilling. For instance, drilling through stone requires a different kind of drill than digging through soft soil. A professional well drilling team will have access to many types of augers and drills, so that’s not really a problem for us.

Wells can absolutely be dug through rocks, but it takes a lot longer than digging a well through soil. And, if you’re digging down 200 feet, that time can be increased considerably with more rocks to dig through. So keep this in mind when scheduling a well drilling appointment.

The Right Drill Rig for the Job

Knowing the type of soil or rock we’re going to be digging through is only the beginning. We need to have access to drill components that can withstand that kind of pressure and work over a long period of time.

This can lead to thousands of dollars in drill components that normal people shouldn’t have to pay for on their own. Instead, when you call a team like ours, we use the right drill bits for the right job and save you money in the long run.

Residential, Commercial, and Drill Depth

Every location is going to require a different drill depth for a well. Some wells are right below the surface, no more than 100 feet. Others, like commercial drills, need to be drilled a few hundred feet down to the point where they will require specialized equipment and support. We can handle a well of any depth that’s needed. (Just don’t expect us to drill to the center of the earth!)

Schedule an appointment today with American Pump and Drilling.

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