Science September: How Does a Well Pump Actually Work?

September 9th, 2024

Welcome to Science September! This is the month where we’re going to break down some of the most important services we offer and help customers understand how they work. We aren’t going to go too deep, since there’s only so much teaching we can do online in a blog post–but we’ll hopefully help our customers learn about some of the intricate ins and outs of well drilling, well pumps, and water quality systems.

Today’s topic? Well pumps, how they work, what they are, and why they’re such incredible pieces of modern technology. With just a little bit of electricity and the flip of a switch, you can get access to an immense amount of groundwater that’s right below your feet.

Let’s talk about how this system works and why they’re good at what they do.

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Decommissioning a Well the Right Way: How It Works

August 26th, 2024

Wells in Washington State come in all shapes and sizes. There are old wells that certain homes still use, and new wells that–for whatever reason–need to be decommissioned. This is the reality of this kind of work, and it’s another reason why having a team of licensed professionals is a great idea.

Before we get started on the topic of well decommissioning, we’d like to urge customers to schedule a consultation with our team. Well decommissioning in Rochester can be complex and time-consuming. If you value your time, your money, and your peace of mind, then you’re better off scheduling this work with us and letting our team decommission your well.

But if you’d like to at least learn a little more about how professional well decommissioning works, then keep reading!

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What Can You Find in Your Water? A Water Testing Post

August 12th, 2024

Here’s a question–why invest in water testing services if you’re not aware of what could be in your water? It’s a good question, and one that we completely understand. If you don’t know what’s potentially in your water system, then there’s no good reason to get the water tested.

But this doesn’t mean your water is clean and safe. There could be contaminants lurking in your water that you’re just unaware of.

In this industry, the more you know, the better off you’ll be. We’d like to take this opportunity to discuss some hazardous contaminants that can be found in your well water, and why testing is so important for customers who want to get fresh, clean water.

Feel free to schedule an appointment today for water testing in Puyallup if you’d like to avoid any of the following materials from contaminating your water supply.

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How Well Drilling Works: A Complete Breakdown

July 22nd, 2024

Wells are vital to the infrastructure and livability of our towns. Many places don’t have access to flowing freshwater like lakes and rivers, but there can be plenty of water located underground. Depending on where you live or the unique terrain of your property, you might have plenty of groundwater that can be accessed by a well.

But wells need to be drilled, and the process can get complicated. For well water drilling in Shelton, we recommend calling for a professional every time. But if you’d like to know why a professional is such a wise investment, then keep reading.

We’ll cover everything you might want to know about well drilling–how it works, the process behind it, and why you might want to hire someone to do it for you.

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UV Water Purifiers: How They Work and Why They’re a Great Choice

July 8th, 2024

Pure water isn’t just a phrase we throw around easily. In order for us to call water “pure” it needs to meet certain standards. For instance, pure water should be drinkable, but it should also smell clean and fresh. The way water smells, tastes, and even looks can be impacted by the biological contaminants found within it.

If only it were as simple as boiling it or using iodine–and while those solutions might be fine if you’re camping in the great outdoors, they’re not very good when the water comes directly from your tap. So, what can you do?

UV water purifiers in Tenino are the perfect solution to this problem. They can treat your water by removing biological contaminants without needing more energy than what’s needed to run a small lightbulb. Let’s talk about how this works and why it’s such an amazing process.

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Why You Can Count on American Pump and Drilling for Your Real Estate Inspection

June 17th, 2024

Real estate inspections are some of the most important strategic investments you can make when purchasing a new property. While we’d recommend everyone invest in this kind of service, not everyone does (or has the knowledge of a reputable professional to provide this service for them).

Well, let this be a PSA for our customers–and potential customers–that American Pump and Drilling provides real estate inspections in Federal Way for any new property owners.

It doesn’t matter if it’s your first time purchasing a new home, or if you’ve been through this process before, you can trust our team of professionals to do a thorough review of your well and components, detect equipment issues, problems with water quality and do a flow test to determine how many gallons per minute your well produces.

Let’s talk about why you can rely on us to provide this service for you.

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When Well Decommissioning Is Vital: 4 Facts About Old Wells

June 3rd, 2024

Wells should never be left to the elements when they become unusable or abandoned. Just like an old construction site, they need to be cleaned up and the ecosystem needs to be allowed to return to what it was before we were there.

This isn’t just for environmental reasons, but it can help reduce costs in the future and contributes to cleaner water for everyone in the area. Well decommissioning in Lacey is a tricky subject and one that we’d like to clear up with our customers.

If you think your old well needs to be decommissioned, or if you’ve got an abandoned well on your property that was left without decommissioning, then you should call us and continue reading this blog.

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Is Water Filtration Worth the Investment?

May 20th, 2024

Times are tight for a lot of our customers in the Puyallup area. There always seems to be an endless list of things that are more worth your money than that new appliance, car maintenance, or a home water filtration system.

But we’d argue that some expenses are more important than others, and depending on your situation and your personal health, a water filtration system might be at the top of that list. If you’re looking for a good reason to justify purchasing a water filtration system, or investing in Puyallup water filtration system repair for your broken equipment, then this is the blog for you.

These systems are powerful and can make a huge difference in your quality of life.

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Treat Your Water the Right Way: Better Results With Water Purification

May 6th, 2024

Many people are starting to understand the benefits of water filtration and purification. If it can be done with our air using UV light, then it can certainly be done with our water. That being said, this is not a job that can be easily done on your own.

Don’t worry, we’ll be the first people to tell you when a trip to the hardware store and a little bit of elbow grease can be the solution to your problem. But when it comes to well water treatment systems in Tenino, only a team of licensed professionals have the tools, experience, and knowledge to accurately remove contaminants from your water supply.

What’s the problem with DIY water treatment and how can professional experience help you? That’s what we aim to discuss in our blog today.

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Well Pumps: How They Work and Why They’re So Useful

April 22nd, 2024

We talk a lot about well pumps on our blog. This makes sense, since they’re complex machines that we work on regularly. But to many of our customers, they seem like magic.

Well, this blog post is going to help dispel any myths or rumors you might have heard about these systems. We hope to explain how well pumps work, why they’re so useful, and even give you a few tips on how you can schedule proper well pump installation in Shelton.

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