So, you’ve settled on the fact that you want to get a new well pump installed on your property. That’s great! In Olympia and the surrounding areas, wells are a fantastic way to get clean, potable water from right beneath your property.
However, this can only be achieved with the help of an electronic pump that can push that water against gravity and into your home. And, the process can get a bit more complicated if you don’t have a well drilled either.
Don’t worry, we keep things simple. Most of the work we can handle, but there are still a few things you’ll need to do before you call us and schedule an Olympia well pump installation. Or, you could call us and we can walk you through this process personally–we’re happy to help! Just make sure you do things by the book so we can reduce the amount of hiccups on your well pump journey.
Find Your Right Budget
Well work can be expensive, there’s no way around this. Especially if the well you think you should use had dried up years ago and we need to start from scratch. The good news is that there are plenty of professionals from our team willing to give you an accurate estimate.
The real important thing that you can do on your end is to look through your finances for the next year and budget accurately. We don’t want to charge anyone an amount of money that they’re not comfortable paying. So, the more you can prepare to spend money on an installation, the more smoothly this process will go.
Look for Data on Your Property
Here’s an interesting tip–does your home have any property data locked away in a cabinet somewhere? Perhaps it’s a topographical map of your home’s area. Or maybe it’s even a map of the well that was drilled 50 years ago that might still be an option for well pump installation.
This data can be helpful. Sure, our team will do our own research no matter what, but it’s always helpful to know what’s on your property and what can be done to make things take less time.
Even if you can tell us the type of soil on your property, and where some of the boundary markers are, that can go a long way in making things take less time for everyone.
Make Your Preferences Clear
Our last tip is to talk with your family about your preferences. What do you want? Do you need a state of the art well pump that can give you more water than you’re used to having? Or do you just need water for your home at an affordable price? These preferences are important, and they’ll guide you toward a better solution for your home and family.
Contact American Pump and Drilling to have your Olympia well pump installed by experts.
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