How Water Treatment Systems Work

November 6th, 2023

Have you ever wondered whether a water filter would be right for your home? Perhaps you’ve seen products advertised on TV or the internet, showing a cool attachment for your sink or refrigerator. These can be cost-effective but are likely not the correct product for long-term treatment of your water.

The issue of impure water is a problem that goes back centuries. Ever since people have had homes, they’ve had to work hard making systems that clean water or at least make it usable for drinking, bathing, cleaning, and other work. Dirty water can not only spoil meals and make things uncomfortable in your home, but it’s just not as usable as clean, crisp water.

Our team specializes in whole home water filtration units that are designed to clean all of the water that gets drawn into or around your house. Whether it comes from a well or from your local municipality, whole house water filtration can be a powerful ally when trying to achieve clean, potable water.

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The Benefits of a Water Softener

October 23rd, 2023

Hard water can be a serious problem for any home. It brings with it many challenges, both having to do with personal health and the well-being of your plumbing system, which means you’re better off removing the minerals from your water.

Don’t worry, this isn’t a post that’s meant to scare anyone. Hard water is safe to drink and use for bathing, but just because it’s safe doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with its own side effects and problems that you’ll end up dealing with long term.

Today, we’re going to highlight one of the most important tools when dealing with hard water, and that’s a water softener. These systems are powerful enough to remove the mineral content of any incoming water while also being efficient to use minimal resources while performing this job. If you feel like a new water softener in Lacey is the right choice for your home, then don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with our team.

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What to Do Before a Well Pump Installation

October 9th, 2023

So, you’ve settled on the fact that you want to get a new well pump installed on your property. That’s great! In Olympia and the surrounding areas, wells are a fantastic way to get clean, potable water from right beneath your property.

However, this can only be achieved with the help of an electronic pump that can push that water against gravity and into your home. And, the process can get a bit more complicated if you don’t have a well drilled either.

Don’t worry, we keep things simple. Most of the work we can handle, but there are still a few things you’ll need to do before you call us and schedule an Olympia well pump installation. Or, you could call us and we can walk you through this process personally–we’re happy to help! Just make sure you do things by the book so we can reduce the amount of hiccups on your well pump journey.

Find Your Right Budget

Well work can be expensive, there’s no way around this. Especially if the well you think you should use had dried up years ago and we need to start from scratch. The good news is that there are plenty of professionals from our team willing to give you an accurate estimate.

The real important thing that you can do on your end is to look through your finances for the next year and budget accurately. We don’t want to charge anyone an amount of money that they’re not comfortable paying. So, the more you can prepare to spend money on an installation, the more smoothly this process will go.

Look for Data on Your Property

Here’s an interesting tip–does your home have any property data locked away in a cabinet somewhere? Perhaps it’s a topographical map of your home’s area. Or maybe it’s even a map of the well that was drilled 50 years ago that might still be an option for well pump installation.

This data can be helpful. Sure, our team will do our own research no matter what, but it’s always helpful to know what’s on your property and what can be done to make things take less time.

Even if you can tell us the type of soil on your property, and where some of the boundary markers are, that can go a long way in making things take less time for everyone.

Make Your Preferences Clear

Our last tip is to talk with your family about your preferences. What do you want? Do you need a state of the art well pump that can give you more water than you’re used to having? Or do you just need water for your home at an affordable price? These preferences are important, and they’ll guide you toward a better solution for your home and family.

Contact American Pump and Drilling to have your Olympia well pump installed by experts.

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3 Must-Do Well Pump Techniques

September 25th, 2023

Well pumps are vital for many homes in our area. People require freshwater for their lifestyles, whether it’s for bathing, drinking, cleaning, or swimming. For many of our customers that lie off the grid, a well pump is going to provide all of that water that’s required at a pretty affordable rate of electricity.

But before you go deep onto your property and start digging, and before you call a family friend to help you repair your broken well pump, we’d like to talk about a few things. There are some dangers with trying to service your well pump on your own or with an amateur plumber. And those dangers are what this blog is going to focus on today.

Don’t worry, we’re not trying to scare anyone. In fact, if you’d rather skip this topic in its entirety, you can just call us and schedule well pump service in Olympia with a team of licensed professionals. We do everything safely and up to current standards so there’s no risk to your health or property.

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Weather Events and Well Service

September 11th, 2023

It’s no secret that we’ve had some pretty intense weather events this year. We’re not just talking about our own area in Washington, but rather the entire country has gone through once-in-a-lifetime weather events that have done a number on our outdoor installations like wells.

But here’s the thing–every residential well is going to function differently leading to unique situations. Some of our neighbors might have a well that’s fine and in the same position that it was in earlier this year, while others have a water source that’s starting to taste, smell, or look funny.

If you belong in the second category, then we urge you to stop searching online for “well service near me,” and call American Pump & Drilling or schedule an appointment online. It’s faster, easier, and we can diagnose the problem in record time.

Don’t let your well become a victim of the weather!

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4 Steps When Installing a Well Pump

August 28th, 2023

Well pumps aren’t exactly the most well-known devices in our society. If we were to ask you right now how a well pump worked, you’d probably have to look up some of the information online before giving us an answer.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Many of our customers have busy lives and are experts in their own prospective industry, so why should they know the details of a well pump? That’s what our team is for.

But in a lot of situations, the more information you know about your well pump (or your future well pump), the more likely you are to make sound financial decisions and to hire the right team. This blog post aims to inform our customers about well pump installation and ensure that they’ve got a good introduction to how these systems work.

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How to Choose the Right Team for Well Drilling

August 14th, 2023

You might have noticed, in your search for an expert pump and drilling team, that there aren’t many options out there. Some of them might be large corporations, others might be small, local teams from the area. In truth, every company is going to be different, which makes choosing the right one for your next well drilling in Shelton very difficult.

Don’t worry. Take a deep breath and relax. Well drilling is complicated, especially if you don’t know what the geology of your property looks like underground. It can be scary to see all the different cost estimates, and we totally understand that. This is why we’d like to simplify this process for you.

Today, we want to separate the good companies from the great ones, and give you a few extra reasons why calling us is your best option.

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How Long Does a Well Last?

July 17th, 2023

As your local pump and drilling experts, this is a field that many homeowners are unfamiliar with. People tend to learn about well drilling in Shelton when they need it done, but that can make the cost or the length of the drilling seem arbitrary.

We get many questions like “Why does well drilling cost this much to do?” and “But there’s already a well on my property, why do I need to drill a new one?” These are great questions, and we’d like to be your guide to answering them. It’s important that you get your information from a reputable expert and a team that generally has your best interest in mind.

So, let’s talk about how long a well might last, depending on certain factors. And hopefully, you’ll understand just how tricky this kind of work can be!

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Your Water Treatment Options

July 3rd, 2023

Water treatment is a broad category to explore. From filters to water purifiers, to even industrial-grade water treatment facilities, your search for “water treatment near me” can quickly get off the rails. Luckily, we’re here to help.

For many of our customers, this will be their first time learning about water treatment. If you were to take a glass of water from your tap and drink it, would it taste bad? Would you get sick? This then means there are some contaminants in your water source that need to be filtered out or eliminated. Now we’ve come to the topic at hand.

Today, we’re going to talk about the different types of water treatment services we offer and the specific customers they’re designed for. For instance, some customers might just need their water tested for contaminants, while others already know there’s a contamination problem and require a solution. We’ll be there to help every step of the way.

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How Expensive Is Well Pump Repair?

June 19th, 2023

Well pumps can be a tricky thing to budget for. After all, they’re basically required for your home to have access to clean water, so how do you decide if you can pay for a repair or not? Because it’s so important, many customers can get stressed out on how much money it will cost when they do call for services.

Unfortunately, unless you schedule an estimate with our team, you won’t get a concrete answer as to how expensive repairs might be. And, depending on how old or how rough your well pump is, you might need it to be replaced with a brand-new one. These are the factors to think about when deciding on your next big expense.

Today, we’re going to cover the topic of how expensive a well pump repair in Olympia can be, and how certain factors affect this number.

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