Pure water isn’t just a phrase we throw around easily. In order for us to call water “pure” it needs to meet certain standards. For instance, pure water should be drinkable, but it should also smell clean and fresh. The way water smells, tastes, and even looks can be impacted by the biological contaminants found within it.
If only it were as simple as boiling it or using iodine–and while those solutions might be fine if you’re camping in the great outdoors, they’re not very good when the water comes directly from your tap. So, what can you do?
UV water purifiers in Tenino are the perfect solution to this problem. They can treat your water by removing biological contaminants without needing more energy than what’s needed to run a small lightbulb. Let’s talk about how this works and why it’s such an amazing process.

How UV Purification Works
UV purification is a simple yet powerful process. When microorganisms like bacteria or mold are exposed to UV light, like the rays of the sun, they undergo a process called irradiation, which alters the DNA of the specific cell.
This causes microorganisms to lose their ability to reproduce, which is a big improvement to the situation because they’s usually how bacteria, viruses, and mold spores infect a host. Without being able to produce more contaminants, they essentially become harmless and just another invisible particle in your water.
Luckily, this process is completely harmless to humans and animals, so you don’t need to worry about it being harmful or causing any side effects. And the resulting water is clean to drink.
The Benefits of Purifying Water
Purifying your water will eliminate biological contaminants that could be harmful to your personal health and your lifestyle. Here are just a few benefits you can get from purified water:
- Remove foul odors from your water.
- Better tasting water.
- Alleviate health concerns with drinking your water.
- Transform your water to be better at cleaning and washing.
All of these benefits can be yours if you invest in a water purifier!
Invest in a Water Purifier Today
Now that you have an understanding of water purification, you can hopefully see why it would be such a powerful addition for your home. Especially if you regularly buy water bottles for consumption due to the inedible quality of your water, you can start actually drinking water from the tap with this device.
And, if that’s not enough, we also provide other water filtration systems that can match with your water purifier. Reverse osmosis water filters can send your water through a semi-permeable membrane that removes any microscopic contaminants that are still there after the UV water purifier eliminates any biological contaminants. This could clean your water entirely and make it fit for any type of consumption.
Don’t worry, we make the process of installing a water purifier as easy as possible. Schedule an appointment today with the plumbing professionals at American Pump and Drilling!