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Serving Puget Sound Since 1977

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Serving Puget Sound Since 1977


What a Real Estate Well Inspection Can Do for You

Real estate inspections are talked about a lot in the real estate market, but their value is a little underrated right now. In the past, a real estate inspection would either be a luxury for homeowners who could afford them, or a nice little bonus that’s covered in closing costs, or an extra expense that would be required for certain loans.

Well, what about a well inspection? Wells are an immensely important part of a home, and most conventional real estate inspections don’t cover this part of the property. A malfunctioning well could mean a disaster for you and your family when your newly purchased home swaps hands.

Real estate well inspections in Tenino are a requirement prior to purchasing a home, and they could be the key to dodging a terrible situation with a house with well issues.

The True Cost of a Well Inspection

With such an insane real estate market, it can be hard to figure out how much a service like a real estate well inspection actually costs. Sure, there’s the estimate our team will give you, but how does that compare to avoiding one to save a few extra bucks?

It doesn’t. Here, let us explain.

Let’s say you’re looking to purchase a house that’s around $400,000 (we know, even some starter homes are costing this much and more in our area), the price might be cheaper than what other homes in the area cost. Even with some small problems, you might get a serious bargain if you can beat out anyone else and put in an offer.

However, this home could depend on well water to meet the demands of its residents. And that well could be in serious disrepair, with a malfunctioning well pump, contaminated water supply, or even a water line that’s leaking and causing water. That steal price you negotiated might look a bit like a money pit at this point.

A real estate well inspection will detect these deal-breakers and ensure you remain safe from that kind of cost.

What Can Happen Without an Inspection

If you do go ahead with a purchase that wasn’t inspected, legally you’re on the hook for anything that is in bad shape on that property. Even if it seems like something was the fault of the previous owner, or a contractor they chose, after closing costs they’re your problems.

Sure, insurance can be helpful in these kinds of situations, but your insurance premiums can also begin to rise when an issue with this old or neglected well gets center stage. A well inspection performed by our team of professionals can stop this in its tracks.

It’s Your Money, Your Choice

Look, we know that it’s entirely possible that you get lucky and your newly purchased property has a well that’s in great shape. A well inspection might not be necessary in this particular situation, but it’s important to remember that it’s your money. Make the best decision for your budget (and your future budget) by getting all the information you can now, before a deal is made.

That can only be done with a real estate well inspection performed by a licensed professional, like the ones on our team.

Schedule an inspection with American Pump and Drilling. We’ll be there for you!

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