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Serving Puget Sound Since 1977


How Expensive Is Well Pump Repair?

Well pumps can be a tricky thing to budget for. After all, they’re basically required for your home to have access to clean water, so how do you decide if you can pay for a repair or not? Because it’s so important, many customers can get stressed out on how much money it will cost when they do call for services.

Unfortunately, unless you schedule an estimate with our team, you won’t get a concrete answer as to how expensive repairs might be. And, depending on how old or how rough your well pump is, you might need it to be replaced with a brand-new one. These are the factors to think about when deciding on your next big expense.

Today, we’re going to cover the topic of how expensive a well pump repair in Olympia can be, and how certain factors affect this number.

Well Pump Repair Cost Breakdown

In order to talk about how much your well pump repair might be, we need to break down what influences the cost in the first place. Sometimes, just evaluating the damage might require a diagnostic fee which is basically the labor hours involved with the checkup. Then, there are component replacement costs and the additional time involved with the fix.

Depending on how bad the problem is, a fix could be anywhere from a couple hundred dollars to over a thousand. And, if your well pump is 15 years old or older, then it’s almost always a good idea to get it replaced.

Factors That Impact the Cost

Not a good enough answer? We get it. Here’s a bit of a further breakdown on what can influence the cost of a repair.

The Condition of the System

Before you get an estimate on your well pump’s repair, ask a professional to evaluate the condition of your system. If it’s old or in rough shape, then repairs might be more expensive because more components need to be replaced.

The Depth and Position of Your Pump

Some well pumps cost more to fix and install than others. For instance, a well pump that needs to be set up deep underground is going to cost more to set up. Also, solar-powered well pumps are more expensive than conventional pumps, which means the components are also more expensive to replace.

Why are we telling you all of this? Because each little fact about your well pump is going to influence how hard or expensive it is to repair it.

Your Budget

All of this information is great, but it might not mean a whole lot if you’re on a budget. These days, it’s very common to have a homeowner call us with a very strict budget, because a well pump is just hard to anticipate breaking.

Be clear with your prospective plumber or well pump installer about your budget and the amount you’re looking to spend. Perhaps our financing options can also impact the cost of your well pump repair as well!

Regardless of your needs, start by contacting American Pump and Drilling. We can take care of the rest.

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