Welcome to Science September! This is the month where we’re going to break down some of the most important services we offer and help customers understand how they work. We aren’t going to go too deep, since there’s only so much teaching we can do online in a blog post–but we’ll hopefully help our customers learn about some of the intricate ins and outs of well drilling, well pumps, and water quality systems.
Today’s topic? Well pumps, how they work, what they are, and why they’re such incredible pieces of modern technology. With just a little bit of electricity and the flip of a switch, you can get access to an immense amount of groundwater that’s right below your feet.
Let’s talk about how this system works and why they’re good at what they do.

Starting With a Science Breakdown
Imagine you’ve got a tall glass of water in front of you and you’re thirsty. There’s plenty of water in there for you to have a nice tasty drink, but you’re not allowed to lift the glass up and drink it. How do you get that water from the glass to your mouth?
Most clever respondents to this question would say with a straw. And that’s true, the straw is the most basic and easy form of a well pump that is powered by our bodies instead of electricity. By using things like suction or force, you can push or pull water up a small pipe to wherever it needs to go.
The Modern Day Well Pump
Unfortunately, we can’t just use straws to bring water from the ground into your home as it takes a large amount of pressure and power. We need modern technology to bring this water into your home, but it follows the same basic principles as a straw.
A modern wellpump uses electricity to powerfully suck the water from the ground into your home using a vacuum. Some models will use force to push the water up through the pipe into your home, but it really depends on the positioning of your home, gravity, and where the source of the water is.
But that’s the gist of it! A well pump installation in Olympia can easily bring water to where it needs to be with only a minor amount of electricity.
When You Need Our Help
Now that you know how a well pump works, you’ll be more inclined to call us when something is wrong. For instance, if your laundry machine or faucet just doesn’t get as much water (or none at all), then your well pump might be malfunctioning and unable to bring water into your house.
You also might be able to detect an electrical problem when the well pump isn’t working, since it relies on electricity to bring water into your home. These are all issues that can be solved by our team, either through repairs or a new well pump replacement.